when does my car need a recharge? can i recharge it myself?
when does my car need a recharge?
It's recommended you should have your air conditioning recharged every 2-3 years. As refrigerant gas permeates through the system at an average rate of 10% a year, it's beneficial to have your air conditioning system recharged this often to ensure your system is working as effectively as possible.
what gas does my car have?
Pre 2014 will use the '“Older” style R134a refrigerant. Between 2014 - 2017 it can vary depending on the manufacturers but mostly like from 2017 you will use the “Newer” style R1234yf refrigerant. If you are unsure feel free to send us a photo from underneath your bonnet and we would be happy to assist you.
do I only need my air con in the summer?
It is a common myth that air conditioning should only be used in the Summer months. You should run your air conditioning periodically, even in the winter. The dehumidified dry air produced by your air-con can clear a windscreen much quicker than warm air.
air con uses too much fuel i don’t use it
This has been a common myth over the years. When the systems first came out, they were bulky and would have caused a drain; there is no denying that. Cars are much more economical now, and the components are lighter and smaller. The usage now is negligible. The lack of use on these systems can result in far greater repair costs than trying to save a few quid. We always advise leaving the system on so all your components are getting lubricated to prevent any future issues.